Sunday, July 24, 2011

Betsy's Post: Minding my energy

I've been doing a lot of physical acitivity the past few days. Hiking, gardening, yoga, walking. Some days short stretches, some long. The dieting has been up and down. I am having problems with my energy. Sometimes when I work out, not even that vigorously, an hour later I am wiped out and have to take a nap or end up eating to try to regain some energy. Which doesn't really work. My joints get sore and I feel like every move I make takes a lot of effort. I took Alleve, then the next day Advil, which worked better, and upped my fish oil. I made some coconut soy milk gelatin (which is good for the bones and joints).

I'm feeling better today, but will try to keep an eye on my energy level. I will say that yesterday morning I was feeling achey, my back and joints, but I made myself go to yoga. I was worried that the yoga would wipe me out and I wouldn't be able to do anything after that, but 10 minutes in, something released for me and I got a burst of energy. I know my hip flexors are really tight from all the sitting at the computer and is causing pain there and in my back. So I will try to do some stretches at work and before going to bed.

I have been cooking a lot so that I have healthy meals on hand. I made some kale chips, but  you know what? I don't really like them. But am trying to go back to my legumes: lentils and beans. 

Haven't weighed myself. Will wait until end of the week. I don't think I lost any weight yet.

Positive Energy

Okay, so I was laying a little low the past couple of days. I was in a little bit of a rut, but I am now rebounding. Despite the crazy heat, I managed to schlep my body over to an hour and a half yoga session on Bway and 105th. There were about a dozen others attending this early evening session. So "embrace the heat" I did and why I came in full length yoga pants is a still a mystery to me. What was I thinking??? Anyway, the instructor was awesome and gave me some good pointers. Mind you this was probably my fifth class ever, including a session with Betsy, when she was teaching at the studio on Beekman. I definitely need to work on my flexibility mainly in my legs and strength all around, but mostly in my upper body. It was probably the best session I had ever attended, as there was challenge, but not too much and the yogi Francesca took the time to correct and guide me. I really want to attend again next week if I am able.

Central Park Reservoir (1.7 miles around once)

This morning, at 11 am, I power walked with my iPod back into Central Park up to the resevoir, where I began a 1.7 mile run. Its surface is plain dirt and is much easier on my knees than the asphalt roadway around the Central Park loop. I made sure to stretch out the joints before taking off. It was a little overcast, but not as sweltering as the past couple of days. I made it all the way around (I do stop about midway though to take a drink from the fountain and stretch out a little.), and then walked briskly back home. It's about 1.5 miles there and back. All told, I did a good 3 mile walk-run. Hope I can do the same on Tuesday and Thursday this week. (Okay, that picture is not really me, but if I reach my goal, it could be! I am definitely a little chubbier!)

On the eating front, still avoiding white bread, pasta, and white rice, but struggling to cut out the ice cream, especially when it is a ritual for Joaquin! I do sneak a spoonful or two! Meanwhile, I am trying to take advantage of the summer fruit run. Peaches are great these days and cherries if you can get a deal.

I have lost a couple of pounds, but don't consider that significant since a lot of it is probably water weight. But I am not discouraged. The yoga, running, and blogging is starting to swirl some positive energy around that are making my goals seem attainable. Thanks, sisters, dieters, exercisers, bloggers, and all else for the support and inspiration.

In fitness and in health,
