Sunday, July 24, 2011

Betsy's Post: Minding my energy

I've been doing a lot of physical acitivity the past few days. Hiking, gardening, yoga, walking. Some days short stretches, some long. The dieting has been up and down. I am having problems with my energy. Sometimes when I work out, not even that vigorously, an hour later I am wiped out and have to take a nap or end up eating to try to regain some energy. Which doesn't really work. My joints get sore and I feel like every move I make takes a lot of effort. I took Alleve, then the next day Advil, which worked better, and upped my fish oil. I made some coconut soy milk gelatin (which is good for the bones and joints).

I'm feeling better today, but will try to keep an eye on my energy level. I will say that yesterday morning I was feeling achey, my back and joints, but I made myself go to yoga. I was worried that the yoga would wipe me out and I wouldn't be able to do anything after that, but 10 minutes in, something released for me and I got a burst of energy. I know my hip flexors are really tight from all the sitting at the computer and is causing pain there and in my back. So I will try to do some stretches at work and before going to bed.

I have been cooking a lot so that I have healthy meals on hand. I made some kale chips, but  you know what? I don't really like them. But am trying to go back to my legumes: lentils and beans. 

Haven't weighed myself. Will wait until end of the week. I don't think I lost any weight yet.

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