Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Check-In

Hi all,

Thanks for the reminder, Egirl! I'm happy for you that you have reached more than half of your goals...great job! Keith and I finally broke down and bought a scale. It was the best thing we did all summer. I agree with Annie. It is a true source of gauging your weight and while I do believe that it's just a number, that number can get out of hand if you go years without weighing in!

I'm happy to report that I have lost 5 pounds which is huge for me! I don't think I have weighed this low since pre-cancer other than those 1st few days after my surgeries. I can definitely feel where I've lost and finally see a slight difference in the way my clothes fit and just feeling less bloated overall. The regular paddling has helped to build muscle. Once a week is not enough though and if I miss a week of practice, it feels like months since I've been on the boat. I am trying to adapt another form of exercise befor the season ends so I dont get lazy. Keith and I signed up for a yoga workshop in town that begins next week on Thursday nights. I hope we can refrain from the laughing and possible fompees.

I've come to an age where my body definitely craves nutrition for energy and well being. I have yet to master that part in regards to eating mor power foods. Although I have cut back on sugar (I don't really have a sweet tooth anymore) and I have been avoiding white starches when possible. This small changes have been key to de-bloating! I remember that is how Pete lost his weight after finding out he had diabetes. My friend who was also diagnosed as an adult slimmed down dramatically by getting rid of white sugars and flours as well.

Ok, enough about me. Keith has reported that he has lost a pound or 2. He has been weighing himself daily. The thing with Keith is that he fluctuates a lot. He can go one day and eat really soda or heavy sammies, and he looks like he's lost 10 pounds instantly. However, the next day could be all about pizza, sugary drinks and candy and he looks round again (oh he is so gonna kill me!). Keith knows what he has to do to get on the right track. He just needs to find a routine after work and start to brown bag it to work.

Thanks everyone! I am going to continue working on my goals. I would like to lose 10 more pounds and then I'll be at my goal weight. Should we start another series for the fall? :)


1 comment:

  1. JJ, keep up the great work! And Ted too ;-) Yes, it is a constant battle between food choices and keeping up the exercises, but you're on the right track! With all the dragon boat racing, it is important to enough carbs in your system though to give you the energy for your practices. So very proud of you....paddles up! <3
